Spore latest patch remove complexity meter
Spore latest patch remove complexity meter


Sounds great, but does this massive improvement in usability come at the expense of security? Check against dictionaries and lists of previously breached passwords.No complexity or special character requirements.


As a government document, it reads like a government document, so let me boil down the new NIST Password Guidelines. Reflecting this reality, NIST created Special Publication 800-63B: Digital Identity Guidelines.

  • Predictable “complexity,” that diminishes the point of complexity ( adding a 1 or an ! at the end of your password makes it trivially more difficult to crack).
  • More passwords reused ( the average enterprise password is reused 2.7 times).
  • An unfortunate by product of these policies was that passwords also became much more difficult for users to remember. In a well meaning effort to strengthen passwords, enterprises adopted password complexity policies meant to increase entropy so that passwords would be more difficult to crack. Passwords are responsible for more than 80% of data breaches, so they represent a critical component in maintaining a strong security posture. The biggest change? Hold the special sauce, I mean symbols.


    Unfortunately, passwords built using this scheme have proven as difficult to remember as the Big Mac jingle, so, NIST has changed their guidelines on creating password policies. Try singing the de facto standard password policy and it sounds remarkably similar to the popular McDonald’s Big Mac song of the 80’s (for those too young, or too old, to remember, “two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun).” The paper ends with a discussion of challenges and market barriers the technology needs to overcome to get past the hype phase, prove its commercial viability and finally be adopted in the mainstream.Rich Campagna J5 min read Security PostureĨ characters, special symbol, lower, upper, no repeating and a 90 day max. For each of these use cases, our contribution is twofold: first, in identifying the technical challenges that blockchain technology can solve for that application as well as its potential drawbacks, and second in briefly presenting the research and industrial projects and startups that are currently applying blockchain technology to that area. 1 Opportunities, potential challenges and limitations for a number of use cases are discussed, ranging from emerging peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, to decentralised marketplaces, electric vehicle charging and e-mobility. These initiatives were systematically classified into different groups according to the field of activity, implementation platform and consensus strategy used. Our study reviews 140 blockchain research projects and startups from which we construct a map of the potential and relevance of blockchains for energy applications. To our knowledge, this is one of the first academic, peer-reviewed works to provide a systematic review of blockchain activities and initiatives in the energy sector.

    spore latest patch remove complexity meter

    Next, we focus on blockchain solutions for the energy industry and inform the state-of-the-art by thoroughly reviewing the literature and current business cases.

    spore latest patch remove complexity meter

    This work provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental principles that underpin blockchain technologies, such as system architectures and distributed consensus algorithms. Blockchains promise transparent, tamper-proof and secure systems that can enable novel business solutions, especially when combined with smart contracts. Numerous sources coming from these backgrounds identify blockchains as having the potential to bring significant benefits and innovation. Blockchains or distributed ledgers are an emerging technology that has drawn considerable interest from energy supply firms, startups, technology developers, financial institutions, national governments and the academic community.

    Spore latest patch remove complexity meter